General Psychology – BBA/BBA-BI/BBA-TT/BCIS/BHCM/BHM ’Spring’ Semester Question Paper 2017

Level: Bachelor Semester –Spring Year : 2017
Programme:BBA/BBA-BI/BBA-TT/BCIS/BHCM/BHM Full Marks: 100
Course:General Psychology Pass Marks: 45
Time : 3hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions
Attempt all the questions. 10×2

1. Point out the sub-fields of psychology.
2. What do you understand by emotion?

3. Differentiate between the function of rod cells and cone cells.

4. What is Literal meaning of prejudice?

5. List out the different theories of learning.

6. What is retrieval cue in memory?

7. How do you find out the individual I.Q?

8. Define Id, ego, and Super ego.

9. Define a eustress.

10. Why pitutory glands is known as master glands?

Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions
Attempt any six questions 6×10

11. Critically explain the historical development of psychology with philosophical stage to current stage.

12. Explain the central nervous system with structures and functions.

13. Describe social cognition and behaviour and explain how attitude are formed.

14. What do you understand by memory? Describe the Atkinson and shiffein model of memory.
15. Elaborate the different typen of thinking.

16. Describe the Freudian theory of personality.

17. How do you know about operant conditioning learning theory? Explain the importance of this theory in organization.

Section “C”

Case Analysis

18. Read the case situation below and answer the questions that follow 20
RajdeepGupta , a middle class. BBA 7th semester student is the survivor of disaster caused by recent flood caused by Koshi and Mahuali River in eastern part of Nepal. He has lost his father, sister and his house is completely converted into the mud now. He is living in his relatives house with his mother and small younger brother. They are mourning at his father and sister death at a same time He has to adjust in new environment.

All of his relatives and friends come and provide support to their family, which irritates Rajdeep because it reminds the black day of his life again and again. He does not feel like meeting anyone in this situation because those people also remind him about his father and cute younger sister. He has to show normal in front of his mother and younger brother and act normally to support his mom to face this difficult situation but he feel very bad for this.

On the other hand his board exam is coming soon, examination routine is published. He has lots of pressure and stress in his mind. He has been trying to devote all the time in studying even he is not feel like studying. He is the topper of the college , he thought to continue that position to console him and prove his mom and relatives that he is normal. Becoming anxious everyday ,Rajdeep suffer from sleep deprivation these days, he feels severe headache is difficult to bear. He visited to a doctor nearby. Doctor has prescribed some medicine for that but the medicine is not doing any changed to him. He does not like to sharing his problem with his mother and brother because he feels that is going to hurt them . He is afraid of his own life and feels like the world is worthless, there is no meaning of life. He shares his situation to his best friend Aakash who suggested Rajdeep to share his anxiety to psychologist and follow his guidance to overcome stress.


a) What are the major psychological consequences of stress Rajdeep might develop? Explain.

b) If Rajdeep comes to see you, what suggestion would you provide to manage his stress as a psychologist? Elaborate.

c) People differ in their way to interpret and handle stress , explain this statement , relating to Rajdeep case.

d) If you were in Rajdeep situation what would you have done to manage the situations? Explain.