BE In Chemical Engineering In Nepal : Where To Study?

BE in Chemical Engineering is one of the challenging subject with wide range of opportunities. BE in Chemical Engineering is more about research based degree.
BE In Chemical Engineering
BE in Chemical Engineering is offered at Kathmandu University as a bachelor’s degree program. B.E Chemical Engineering is a full-time undergraduate program in Kathmandu University.
Some of the job opportunities for the Chemical engineers:
  1.  Manufacturing Production Engineer
  2. Food scientists
  3. Bio-technologists
  4. Environmental engineer
  5. Petroleum engineer
  6. Color-technologists
  7. Quality engineers
  8. Mining engineers
  9. Energy engineers
  10. Waste management engineers
  11. Water management engineers

BE In Chemical Engineering In Nepal : Where To Study?

In Nepal, Kathmandu University is offering this course right now from their own campus.

Eligibility For BE In Chemcial Engineering

To be eligible for applying for this course, you must have completed Intermediate in Science or Class XII in Science or equivalent with at least 50% in physics, chemistry and mathematics in average. Along with this, KU will test applicant’s proficiency in prerequisites ( i.e., physics, chemistry and mathematics ) through a computer based test (CBT).

After this, short listed candidates are called for interview to assess their aptitude then the final list of candidates eligible for admission in BE in chemical engineering is published.

The curriculum for chemical engineering consist of basic science,engineering, humanities and core chemical engineering courses.

The Course Structure

The total credit offers during the entire program duration of BE in chemical engineering will be 153.

First Year, BE In Chemical Engineering


Semester I Semester II
Course Code Course Description Credit Course Code Course Description Credit
Math 101 Calculus & Linear Algebra 3 MATH 104 Advanced Calculus 3
PHYS 101 General Physics I 3 PHYS 102 General Physics II 3
CHEM 101 General Chemistry 3 COMP116 Object Oriented Programming 3
COMP 102 Computer Programming 3 ENGG112 Elements of Engineering II 3
ENGG 111 Elements of Engineering I 3 ENGT102 Communication Skills II 2
ENGT 101 Communication Skills I 2 ENVE101 Introduction to Environmental Engineering 2
EDRG 101 Engineering Drawing 2 EDRG 102 Engineering Drawing II 2
ENGG 101 Engineering Project Preparation 2 ENGG102 Engineering project 2
Total 21   Total 20


Second Year, BE In Chemical Engineering


Semester I Semester II
Course Code  Course Description
Credit Course Code  Course Description
MATH 207 Differential Equations and Complex Variables 4 MATH 208 Statistics and Probability 3
CHEG 201 Chemical Process Calculation 3 MCSC 202 Numerical Methods 3
MEEG 216 Engineering Mechanics 3 CHEG 210 Chemical Process Technology I 3
CHEM 201 Reaction Mechanism and Stereochemistry 3 CHEG 211 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3
EEEG 204 Basic Electronics 2 CHEG 212 Fluid Mechanics* 3
MEEG 213 Material Science and Metallurgy 3 CHEG 213 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering 3
CHEG 202 Engineering Project 2 CHEG 214 Engineering Project 2
Total 20   Total 20


Third Year, BE In Chemical Engineering


Semester I Semester II
Course Code Course Description Credit Course Code Course Description Credit
MGTS 301 Engineering Economics 3 CHEG 310 Unit Operation* 3
CHEG 301 Chemical Reaction Engineering I 3 CHEG 305 Modelling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering 3
CHEG 302 Process Control and Instrumentation* 3 CHEG 312 Chemical Reaction Engineering II* 3
CHEG 303 Heat Transfer and lab 3 INAN 301 Instrumental Analysis 3
CHEG 304 Biochemical Engineering 3 CHEG 313 Mass Transfer* 3
CHEG 311 Chemical Process Technology II 3 CHEG 314 Process Equipment Design 2
CHEG 306 Engineering Project 2 CHEG 3** Elective 3
Total 20   Total 20

Fourth Year, BE In Chemical Engineering


Semester I Semester II
Course Code Course Description Credit Course Code Course Description Credit
MGST 403 Engineering Management 3 CHEG 449 Internship 3
MGST 402 Entrepreneurship Development 3 CHEG 499 Project Work 9
CHEG 401 Transport Phenomena 3
CHEG 402 Nano & Composite Materials 3
CHEG 403 Plant Design 3
CHEG 404 Design Lab 2
CHEG*** Elective 3
Total 20   Total 12


Electives, BE In Chemical Engineering

Third Year, Semester II Fourth Year, Semester I
Code Subject Code Subject
CHEG 315 Renewable Energy CHEG 405 Leather Technology
CHEG 316 Surface and Interface Engineering CHEG 406 Chemical Process Safety
CHEG 317 Pharmaceutical Engineering CHEG 407 Process Optimization
CHEG 318 Peptide, Protein and Enzyme: Industrial Application CHEG 408 Green Engineering
CHEG 319 Environmental Engineering CHEG 410 Air Pollution Control
CHEG 320 Operation Research and System Analysis CHEG 411 Polymer Science and Technology
CHEG 321 Energy Technology and Natural Resources CHEG 413 Drug Delivery Systems
CHEG 322 Safety and Waste Management
CHEG 323 Cement Technology


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