List Of MBA Colleges In Bharatpur, Chitwan

List Of MBA Colleges In Bharatpur, Chitwan

Bharatpur is one of the fastest growing city of Nepal. It is often considered as a medical city and education hub of the nation. There are two major colleges in Bharatpur where you can enroll for the MBA program.

List Of MBA Colleges In Bharatpur, Chitwan

1. PCMS – Presidency College Of Management Science

PCMS is one of the oldest management college in town. PCMS is often considered as a one of the best management college in the nation. MBA is one of the many programs being offered by the Presidency college of management science.

Marketing, Human Resource Management, Finance, and Operations Management are among the specializations available in this two-year full-time MBA program (Purbanchal University) at Presidency college of management science.

Specialization Offered:

Marketing & Finance

Total no of Courses – 26

Total Credit Hour – 70

Course Details:

Semester – I

FO-511: Quantitative Skills for Business Studies

FO-512: Managerial Communications

FO-513: Managerial Economics and Decision Making

FO-514: Legal Environment of Business

CO-515: Organizational Behavior and Leadership Skills

CO-516: Marketing for Managers

CO-517: Financial Accounting

Semester II

CO-521: Management Accounting

CO-522: Macro Economics and Policy Making

CO-523: Financial Management and Analysis

CO-524: Operations Management

CO-525: Human Resource Management

CO-526: Business Research

SE-521: Seminar Series I

Semester III

CO-531: Management Information System and e-commerce

CO-532: Organization Change and Design

CO-533: Entrepreneurship

SE-531:  Seminar Series II

XX-531: Specialization I and

XX-532: Specialization II

Semester – VI

CA-541: Strategic Management

CA-542: International Business

XX-54x: Specialization III

XX-54x: Specialization IV

XX-54x: Specialization V: Seminar III


Specialization – Finance ( MBA at PCMS)


  1. Specialization I: FN-531: Financial Theory and Corporate Policy
  2. Specialization II: FN-532: Capital Structure Management

Semester -IV (Any Two and Seminar Course)

  1. Specialization III: FN-543: Security Analysis and Investment Management


  1. Specialization III: FN-544: Management of Financial Institution
  2. Specialization IV: FN-545: Financial Derivatives and Engineering


  1. Specialization IV: FN-546: International Financial Management
  2. Specialization Seminar: FN-547: Seminar on Finance

Specialization – Marketing ( MBA at PCMS)


  1. Specialization I: MK-531: Consumer Behavior
  2. Specialization II: MK-532: Marketing Research

Semester-IV (Any Two and Seminar Course)

  1. Specialization III. MK-543 Planning and Managing Retail Business


  1. Specialization III: MK-544: Sales and Distribution Management
  2. Specialization IV: MK-545: Services and Industrial Marketing


  1. Specialization IV: MK-546: Advertising Management
  2. Specialization Seminar: MK-547: Seminar on Marketing

Some of the extra activities of the MBA at PCMS:

  1. 20-days long orientation program
  2. College to Corporate program
  3. Startup Support Program
  4. International Student Exchange Program

Contact Details:
056-524278 / 533207 / 533803
Namuna Tole, (Beside Airport), Bharatpur, Chitwan

1. Boston International College

Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Boston International College is affiliated with Pokhara University.  MBA is a two-year program with six trimesters with total 27 courses.

Contact Details:

PO BOX: 118
Bharatpur-10, Hakim Chowk, Chitwan
Tel:- 056-598892, 59892


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